
Buku algoritma pemrograman smk
Buku algoritma pemrograman smk

buku algoritma pemrograman smk

Jumlah responden yang diteliti sebanyak 24 orang siswa yang terdiri dari satu (1) kelas dan hanya memiliki satu jurusan yaitu administrasi perkantoran.

buku algoritma pemrograman smk

Subyek penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas X dan XI di SMK Boedi Uetomo Pontianak. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian kuantitatif. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah ada hubungan antara strategi pembelajaran peer teaching dan self esteem dengan motivasi belajar.

buku algoritma pemrograman smk

Selain itu self esteem pada diri siswa juga dapat mempengaruhi motivasi belajar siswa. Salah satu strategi yang dapat digunakan guru dalam membangun motivasi belajar siswa yaitu strategi pembelajaran peer teaching. Tugas guru yang pertama dan terpenting dalam proses belajar mengajar adalah membangun motivasi belajar siswa. We discuss the implications for peer teaching experiences in teacher education courses. Our results corroborate previous research indicating that undergraduate peer teachers focus more on themselves than on their peers, and suggest that placing the camera in a position that shows the students, rather than the teacher, does not seem to affect this tendency. Responses were coded, with a single sentence as the unit of analysis, and a three-way repeated measures analysis of variance (ANOVA) revealed a significant difference in comment frequencies according to comment type (student-focused or teacher-focused) but not according to camera placement or trial. Participants completed the teaching reflection cycle twice, providing their observation comments in response to open-ended prompts. Preservice music teachers ( N = 14) reflected on peer teaching videos that had been recorded simultaneously from a head-mounted camera and a tripod-mounted camera at the back of the classroom. We investigated whether camera placement affects peer teachers’ focus of attention during reflection.

Buku algoritma pemrograman smk